رقم القرص |
العنوان |
اسم المؤلف |
السنة |
الملاحظات |
عرض |
7 |
Six Sigma for Quality and Productivity Promotion |
Sung H. Park |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Six Sigma for Managers |
Greg Brue |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
Strategic Management Theory and Application |
Brane Kalpic |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
Design for Six Sigma A Roadmap for product Development |
Kai Yang |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Essentials of Corporate Performance Measurement |
George T. Friedlob |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
Strategic Management |
Alex Ashman |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
The power of Ulitmate Six Sigma |
Keki R. Bhote |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Total Quality in Information System and Technology |
Jack Woodall |
2004 |
عرض |
7 |
BEYOND Sarbanes - Oxley Compliance - effective enterprise risk management |
Anne M. Marchetti |
2005 |
عرض |
7 |
Manager's Guide to Strategy |
Roger A. Formisano |
2004 |
عرض |
7 |
Quality management demystifed |
Sid kemp ,pmp |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
Safety , Reliability and Risk Management an Integrated Approach |
Sue Cox & Robin Tait |
1998 |
عرض |
7 |
Strategic Management and Economics - strategic management journal |
Richard P. Rumelt & Dan Schendel & David J. Teece |
1991 |
عرض |
7 |
Strategic Management and Service Excellence |
Professor Paul Reynolds |
2005 |
عرض |
7 |
Inventory Management |
chapter 12 |
2007 |
عرض |
7 |
Making Scorecard Actionable Balancing Strategy and Control |
Nils Goran & Carl Johan Petri |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Energy Management Handbook |
Wayne C. Turner |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
Corporate Enterpreneurship and Venturing |
Tom Elfring |
2005 |
عرض |
7 |
Supply Chain Management Models , Applications, and Research Directions |
Joseph Geunes |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
Strategic Planning for Information System |
John Ward |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
strategic knowledge management technology |
Petter Gottschalk |
2005 |
عرض |
7 |
Project Management Practitioner's Handbook |
Ralph L. Kleim and Irwin S. Ludin |
1998 |
عرض |
7 |
Business Process Management - Concepts , language , architectures |
Mathias Weske |
2007 |
عرض |
7 |
Business Process Management Applied |
Charles Poirier |
2005 |
عرض |
7 |
Business Intelligence & Performance Management |
عرض |
7 |
Advanced in Risk Management |
Greg N. Gregoriou |
2007 |
عرض |
7 |
A Trader's Money Management System |
2008 |
عرض |
7 |
Human Resources Management |
ATG Educational |
2008 |
عرض |
7 |
the fast forward MBA in project management |
eric verzuh |
2005 |
عرض |
7 |
time management |
marc mancini |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
The Little Black Book of Project Management |
Michael C. Thomsett |
1990 |
عرض |
7 |
Operation Management - Policy practice and performance improvement |
steve brown |
2001 |
عرض |
7 |
Quantitative Methods for Project Management |
DR. Frank T. Anbari |
1997 |
عرض |
7 |
Fixed Income Analysis : Securities , Pricing and Risk Management |
Claus Munk |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Essentials of Knowledge Management |
Bryan Bergeron |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
economic & financial analysis for engineering & project management |
abol ardalan |
2000 |
عرض |
7 |
E-Business Innovation and Process Management |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
Configuration Management Principles and Practice |
Anne Mette Jonassen Hass |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
International Project Management |
Bennet P. Lientz |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
The AMA Handbook of Project Management |
Paul C. Dinsmore |
1993 |
عرض |
7 |
Enerprise Marketing Management |
Dave Sutton |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
the john adair handbook of management and leadership |
Neil Thomas |
2004 |
عرض |
7 |
Fundamentals of Project Management |
James P. Lewis |
1995 |
عرض |
7 |
Project Risk Management Handbook |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Controlling Strategy Management, Accounting and Performance Measurement |
2005 |
عرض |
7 |
Enterprise Marketing Management |
Dave Sutton |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Fundamentals of Project Management |
James P. Lewis |
2007 |
عرض |
7 |
Organizational Project Management Maturity Model ( OPM3 ) |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Advanced Derivatives Princing and Risk Management |
Claudio Albanese |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
Comprehensive Intellectual Capital Management |
Nermien Al - Ali |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
The Book on Management |
Bob Kimball , phD |
2004 |
عرض |
7 |
B2B Brand Management |
Philip Kotler |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
Case Studies in Performance Management - A Guide from the Experts |
Tony Adkins |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
Building Project Management Centers of Excellence |
Dennis Bolles |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
Quality Management System - Requirement |
2000 |
عرض |
7 |
The McKinsey Mind |
Ethan M. Rasiel |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
The RPM Philosophy |
Anthony Robbins |
عرض |
7 |
Plan to Learn : Case Studies in elearninig Project Management |
Beverly Pasian M.A |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
Decision Analysis for Management Judgment |
Paul Goodwin |
2004 |
عرض |
7 |
Electronic Government : Design , Application & Management |
Ake Gronlund |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
Essentials of Knowledge Management |
Bryan Bergeron |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Materials Management |
1998 |
عرض |
7 |
essentials of supply chain management |
michael hugos |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Encyclopedia of Management |
Marilyn M. Helms |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
The Little Black Book of Project Management |
Michael C. Thomsett |
1990 |
عرض |
7 |
The Financial Management and Audit of Construction Contracts |
1999 |
عرض |
7 |
Supply Chain Logistics Management |
Donald J. Bowersox |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
Fundamentals of Project Management |
James P. Lewis |
1995 |
عرض |
7 |
Career Skills Library - Research and Information Management |
Ferguson |
1998 |
عرض |
7 |
Money Management |
Joe Ross |
عرض |
7 |
Money Management (Pt. I):Controlling Risk and Capturing Profits |
Dave Landry |
عرض |
7 |
Money Management & Risk Control for Traders |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
عرض |
7 |
Matt Beekman |
2007 |
عرض |
7 |
Electronic Commerce |
Pete Loshin |
2004 |
عرض |
7 |
Fundamentals of corporate Finance |
Richard A. Brealey |
2001 |
عرض |
7 |
Part 2 - Important Financial Concepts |
عرض |
7 |
1997 |
عرض |
7 |
Principles of Economics |
Carl Menger |
2004 |
عرض |
7 |
Principles of Macroeconomics |
N. Gregory Mankiw |
عرض |
7 |
The Real World Finance |
James Sagner |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
International Macroeconomics and Finance : Theory and empirical methods |
Nelson C. Mark |
2000 |
عرض |
7 |
The Instant Sales Pro: More than 600 Tips and Techniques to Accelerate Your Sales Success |
Cy Charney |
2004 |
عرض |
7 |
Think Like Your Customer: A Winning Strategy to Maximize Sales by Understanding How and Why Your Customers Buy |
Bill Stinnett |
2005 |
عرض |
7 |
Inside the Minds: The Hotel Business: Leading Hoteliers Offer a Behind the Scenes Glimpse Into the Hospitality Industry |
Aspatore Books Staff |
2004 |
عرض |
7 |
Mastring Complex Sale |
Jeff Thull |
2003 |
عرض |
7 |
Marketing Neutral Strategies |
Bruce I. Jacobs |
2005 |
عرض |
7 |
Mechanical Trading System |
Richard L. Weissman |
2005 |
عرض |
7 |
Negotiating Skills for Managers |
Steven P. Cohen |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
Seven Steps to a Successful Business Plan |
Al Coke |
2001 |
عرض |
7 |
Supersymmetry : Theory , Experiment and Cosmology |
P. Binetury |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
the five Minute Investor Contents |
عرض |
7 |
The Little Book That Beats the Market |
Joel Greenblatt |
2006 |
عرض |
7 |
Introducing the MIDAS Method of Technical Analysis |
Paul Levine |
عرض |
7 |
Global Financial Management - Valuation of Cash Flows Investment Decisions and Capital Budgeting |
Alon Brav |
1999 |
عرض |
7 |
Global Financial Management - Valuation of Stocks |
Alon Brav |
1999 |
عرض |
7 |
The Fast forward MBA in Finance |
John A. Tracy |
2002 |
عرض |
7 |
The Fast Forward MBA In Business Planning for Growth |
Philip Walcoff |
1999 |
عرض |
7 |
Options Strategy Guide |
2001 |
عرض |
7 |
Resizing the Organization - Managing Layoffs , Divestitures and Closing Maximizing Gain While Minimizing Pain |
Kenneth P. De Meuse |
2002 |