رقم القرص |
العنوان |
اسم المؤلف |
السنة |
الملاحظات |
عرض |
3 |
Fundamentals of college geometry |
Edwin Hemmerting |
1970 |
عرض |
3 |
Computational geomtry methods and applications |
Jianer chen |
1996 |
عرض |
3 |
Computational geometry algorithms and applications |
2000 |
عرض |
3 |
Climpses of algebra and geometry |
Gobor toth |
2002 |
عرض |
3 |
Computational geometry in |
Jos eph.O.rourke |
عرض |
3 |
Language proof and loglc |
jon barwish/john Etchemendy |
1999 |
عرض |
3 |
Combinatorics |
Russell merns |
2003 |
عرض |
3 |
Discret math in computer science |
Ken bogart/ Cliff stein |
2002 |
عرض |
3 |
Elementary number theory |
W.Dwin clark |
2003 |
عرض |
3 |
Concrete mathematics |
RonaldL.Graham/ Donald E.Kunth |
عرض |
3 |
Mathematics for came developens |
2004 |
عرض |
6 |
Theory and problems of |
Matrix operations |
عرض |
6 |
Dictonary of applied math for engineers and scientists |
Emma periato |
2003 |
عرض |
6 |
Understanding and using linear programming |
Bernd gartner |
2006 |
عرض |
6 |
Mathematics for game derelpes |
عرض |
3 |
The modern revolution in physics |
Bengamin crowell |
2003 |
عرض |
3 |
Aradically modern approach to introductory physivs- volum1 |
David-Raymond |
2007 |
عرض |
3 |
Buold your solarpanel / generate elecricity from the sun |
Phillip hurley |
2000 |
عرض |
3 |
Eurocode3: Designof steel structures |
2001 |
عرض |
3 |
The metal lathe |
David Jgingery |
1980 |
عرض |
3 |
Netoniian physics |
Benjamin crowell |
2001 |
عرض |
3 |
Army aircraft cas turbin engines |
Thro growth |
عرض |
3 |
Newtonian physics |
Benjamin crowell |
2001 |
عرض |
3 |
Composite materals hand book |
1999 |
عرض |
3 |
Podcasting hacks |
Jak herring ton |
2005 |
عرض |
3 |
Collaborative geographic informationststem |
Shivanand balramand uzana dragivileds |
2006 |
عرض |
3 |
Hand book of sensor net works |
Ivan stojmenovic |
2005 |
عرض |
3 |
Membrane technology and application |
Richard W.Baker |
2004 |
عرض |
3 |
Physics of solid - stste lasers |
V.V.Antsiferoy and G.L .Smirnov |
عرض |
3 |
Agulde to physics problems |
Gerald D.Mahan/ Boris E.Nadgrny |
2004 |
عرض |
3 |
Astrobiology future perspctives pascale ehren freund |
2005 |
عرض |
3 |
General relativity &cosmolog for undergraduates |
JohnW. Norbury |
1997 |
عرض |
3 |
Patrick moores practical astronomy series |
عرض |
3 |
Modern cosmology |
S.Bonometio/ V.Gorini/U .Moschella |
2002 |
عرض |
3 |
The frist three minutes |
Fontana paperbacks |
عرض |
3 |
Lecture notes in physics |
R.Beig,Wen,Austria |
2005 |
عرض |
3 |
Basico of radio astronomy for the goldstone apple valley radio telescope |
Diana fisher miller |
1998 |
عرض |
3 |
Astrophysical concept |
Martin harwit |
2006 |
عرض |
3 |
Astrophysics decoding the cosmos |
Juditha. Irwin |
عرض |
3 |
An introuduction to the sciece of cosmdogy |
D.Raine ,Eg thomas |
عرض |
3 |
The offgin and evolution of the sdar system |
Michael M.Woolfson |
عرض |
3 |
Invition to contemporary physis 2nd edition |
HO-Kim,N. Kumar ,C.S.Lam |
عرض |
3 |
Conceptual physics crowell |
2007 |
عرض |
3 |
Concptual physics tenth edition |
Paul G.Tiwith |
2006 |
عرض |
3 |
Phystcs for seintists and engineers with modern physics |
Paal M.Fishbane, StephenG.Gasiorowics |
عرض |
6 |
Iutroduction to quantum mechanice |
Al. C.Phillips |
2003 |
عرض |
1 |
tropical forage plants: development and use antonio sotomayor-rios ph.d. |
w.d. pitman,ph.d. |
2001 |
عرض |
1 |
plant guidelines for technical management of chemical process safety revised edition center for chemical process safety of the american institute of chemical engineers |
1992 ,1995 |
عرض |
1 |
plant biotechnology and molecular markers |
p.s. srivastava - alka narula - sheela srivastava |
2004 |
عرض |
1 |
biochemical engineering of the production of plant-specific secondary metabolites by cell suspension cultures |
jian - jiang zhong |
2001 |
عرض |
1 |
structure and bonding siderophores from microorganisms and plants |
عرض |
1 |
quantitative genetics , genomics and plant breeding |
manjit s. kang |
2002 |
عرض |
1 |
methodology of siderophores |
j.b. neilands |
عرض |
1 |
siderophore mediated absorption of iron |
r. c. hider |
عرض |
1 |
lysine analogues of siderophores |
a. chimiak- j.b. neilands |
عرض |
1 |
nutational analysis of rhodotorulic acid synthesis in rhodotorula pilimanae |
a.liu - j.b. neilands |
عرض |
1 |
phytosiderophores - structures and properties of mugineic acids and their metal complexes |
y. sugiura ,- k. nomoto |
عرض |
1 |
functional plant ecology 2 ed |
francisco l. pugnaire - fernando valladares |
2007 |
عرض |
1 |
pocket guide to preventing process plant materials mix-ups |
bert moniz |
2000 |
عرض |
1 |
plant proteomics |
jozef samaj - jay j. thelen |
2007 |
عرض |
1 |
plant propagation by tissue culture 3ed vol. 1 the back ground |
edwin f. george - michael a. hall - geert - jan de klerk |
2008 |
عرض |
1 |
plant harmone signaling |
peter heelden - stephen g. thomas |
2006 |
عرض |
1 |
advances in agronomy volume 90 |
donald l. sparks |
2006 |
عرض |
1 |
volume 89 |
2006 |
عرض |
1 |
agricultural biotechnology strstegies for national competitiveness national academy of sciences |
1987 |
عرض |
1 |
aqaculture in the ecosystem |
marianne holmer - kenny black .c.m.d. N.m. L.k |
2008 |
عرض |
1 |
applied process design for chemical and petrochemical plants vol.1 3ed |
ernest e. ludwing |
1999 |
عرض |
1 |
hormones , signals and target cells in plant development |
daphne j. osborne - michael t. mcmanus |
2005 |
عرض |
1 |
the different forms of flowers on plants of the same species |
charles darwin |
عرض |
1 |
the life of the spider on line |
j. henri fabri fabre |
2006 |
عرض |
1 |
the life of the bee on line |
maurice maeterlinck |
2006 |
عرض |
1 |
the vayage of the beagle |
charles darwin |
2006 |
عرض |
1 |
the biotechnology of ethanol classical and future applications |
m. roehr |
2001 |
عرض |
1 |
color atlas of biochemistry 2ed |
j. koolman - k.h. roehm |
2005 |
عرض |
1 |
get down the shovel and the hoe : cotton and rice farm history and architecture in the arkansas delta |
holly hope |
1900-1955 |
عرض |
1 |
موسوعة اسماك الزينة |
عاشق الصمت |
عرض |
1 |
salinity basics - soit testing questions on salinity contact |
robert flym ph.d. |
عرض |
1 |
seed processing and storage principles and practies of seed harvesting |
jeffrey h. mc cormack |
2004 |
عرض |
1 |
seed rate application charts for 2007 +20ftand 25ft precision seeding systems |
greatplainsmfy.com |
2007 |
عرض |
1 |
the cell cycle |
david o'conner |
2005 |
عرض |
1 |
the biological roots of human nature forging links between evolution and behavior |
timothy h. goldsmith |
1991 |
عرض |
1 |
vegetarian nutrition |
joan sabate |
2001 |
عرض |
1 |
the selfish gene |
richard dowkins |
عرض |
1 |
basic laboratory procedures in clinical bacteriology 2ed world health organization |
2003 |
عرض |
1 |
fungi mycology vol24 experimental methods in biology |
romesh maheshwari |
2005 |
عرض |
1 |
principles and practice of clinical bacteriology 2ed |
stephen h. gillespie - peter m. hawkey |
2006 |
عرض |
1 |
foundations in microbiology 4ed |
kathleen park talaro - arthur talaro |
2001-2002 |
عرض |
1 |
the brain :a very short introduction |
michael o' shea |
2005 |
عرض |
1 |
neurotransmitters , drvgs and brain function |
roy webster |
2001 |
عرض |
1 |
the biological roots of human nature forging links between evolution and behavior |
timothy h. goldsmith |
1991 |
عرض |
1 |
bioreaction engineering principles 2ed |
jens nielsen - john villadsen - gunnar liden |
2003 |
عرض |
1 |
biology science for life |
colleen belk - virginia borden |
عرض |
1 |
biotechnology unzipped promises & realities |
eric s. grace |
1997 |
عرض |
1 |
nutrition for dummies 4ed |
carol ann rinzler |
2006 |
عرض |
1 |
modern biology |
john h. postlethwait - janet l. hopson |
2006 |
عرض |
1 |
about life concepts in modern biology |
paul s. agutter - denys n. wheatley |
2007 |
عرض |
1 |
biophysics |
vasantha pattabhi - n. gautham |
2002 |
عرض |
1 |
understanding humananatomy & physiology 5ed |
sylvia s. mader |
2004 |
عرض |
1 |
genetics aconceptuol approach |
bengamin a. pierce |
عرض |
1 |
the blind watchmaker |
richard dowkins |
1996 |